Lotta all’inquinamento, sostenibilità, possibilità di colonizzare altri pianeti. Le piante sono al centro di moltissimi progetti high-tech. Futuro24 va alla scoperta delle sperimentazioni avanzate del CNR.
Al Macro Asilo, per “Lezioni sulla fine del mondo” curato da Marta Francocci, in mediapartnership con Rai Cultura,si incontrano Stefano Boeri, architetto e urbanista, Carlo Calfapietra, direttore CNR-Iret, Giuseppe Cappocchin, presidenteread more →
Si terrà a Mantova la prima edizione del Forum Mondiale sulle Foreste Urbane dal 28 novembre al 1 dicembre. Il forum chiama a raccolta oltre 400 esperti da più diread more →
On 19th September 2018 following the reorganization of CNR, Institutes IBAF and ISE have been suppressed and IRET (Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems) was established. Carlo Calfapietra has beenread more →
On 1st June 2018 Carlo Calfapietra has been nominated Acting Director of CNR-IBAF. The Institute which is actually involving 4 venues Porano, Monterotondo (Roma), Napoli and Padova is undergoing aread more →
On 1st June 2018 the H2020 project ProGIReg “Productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration” has officially started. The project funded by EU Commission with an investment of about 11read more →
A large and innovative lab experiment involving a number of Eucalyptus camaldulensis small trees has been carried out for several week in the last summer at the CNR-IBAF lab ofread more →
European Commission, represented by Carlo Calfapietra, Paul Mahoney and the Officers Tiago Frejtas and Jacopo Bordignon, presented the priority area of the Nature based Solutions (NBS), in a United Nationsread more →
Nella capitale quest’anno ne sono crollati 34. Colpa dei temporali, del clima, dell’età, ma anche di funghi e malattie, che oggi si potrebbero diagnosticare in tempo. Con i droni. Èread more →
Forests are a crucial element of tackling climate change, cleaning the air and providing materials and energy. A legislative framework for forests must therefore recognise and balance these multiple, andread more →